Every school holiday period, the experienced staff at Pymble Ladies’ College Out of School Hours Care centre design and host a Holiday Program of safe, fun and entertaining activities for school children aged 5 to 12 years old. The program runs from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm each day. Activities vary throughout the day and allow for sessions of high and low activity. Incursions scheduled for specific days will usually run for a one- or two-hour period. The remainder of the day will include activities organised by the Centre staff. Each day will have a theme that will be incorporated into some of the activities. On excursion days, all children booked in must attend the outing.
Our Holiday Program has been operating for many years and is rated as Exceeding National Quality Standard by Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate NSW.
The Holiday Program will cater primarily for children attending Pymble Ladies’ College. Bookings are open to:
- current Pymble Ladies’ College students in Kindergarten to Year 6
- future Pymble Ladies’ College students enrolled to commence in the Junior or Secondary Schools. Girls starting Kindergarten in the following year can attend the special Kindy Club Holiday Program in the January of the year they are to commence Kindergarten at Pymble Ladies’ College.
- male siblings (in Kindergarten from April school holidays in their Kindergarten year, Year 1, and Year 2 only) of current Pymble Ladies’ College students.
Please note that excursion days are only available to students currently attending Pymble Ladies’ College.
Holiday Program
Holiday Program Bookings are now open.
- April Holiday Program, Monday 14 April to Thursday 24 April 2025
Click here to read the April Holiday Program Schedule.
New enrolments:
New families must be enrolled in Kidsoft to attend Pymble LC OSHC. Please see ‘How to Enrol’.
Existing enrolments:
Bookings are made through Kidsoft iParent Portal, please ensure you have access to your account. You can email us should you require assistance with logging in.
If you need help with using the booking system, please refer to: Parent Portal Tip Sheet for Guardians
Important Information
New families must be enrolled in Kidsoft to attend Pymble LC OSHC.
Please download the instruction manual for enrolment steps.
Bookings are made through Kidsoft iParent Portal, please ensure you have access to your account. You can email us should you require assistance with logging in.
If you need help with using the booking system, please refer to the booking guide.
If you do not have a Kidsoft account, please see the instructions on ‘How to Enrol’.
The cost varies each day, depending on the activity offered. Those who are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy will have it applied to each attendance if they have entered their details in the Kidsoft system correctly and accepted their Enrolment Notice on MyGov. You do not need to make an upfront payment as it will be taken from your nominated account.
If a payment is declined, Pymble OSHC will provide families with a seven-day grace period to make the outstanding payment. If this has not been rectified within seven days, the provision of OSHC service will be suspended for the family until payment is made in full. A late payment/decline fee of $25.00 will be charged through iDebitPro for each two-week cycle that the account remains in arrears.
Late collection fee: $20.00 per minute per child.
All payments for attendance will be charged from your nominated bank account or credit card. Payment details are entered onto your Kidsoft account through the iParent Portal. Payments withdrawn from your nominated account are paid in arrears on a fortnightly cycle.
Declined Payments: may incur a fee should an outstanding payment or payment details not be rectified.
Child Care Subsidy
Pymble Ladies College OSHC is an approved Child Care Centre. This allows for families to claim the Child Care Subsidy for OSHC attendances. Parents can apply for the Child Care Subsidy through Centrelink.
The Child Care Subsidy is the main payment to assist families with the costs of child care. It is generally paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount.
If you are entitled to receive the Child Care Subsidy and booking with Pymble LC OSHC, you will be asked to confirm your Enrolment Notice, which will be sent to your myGov account. Once the enrolment notice is confirmed, the CCS percentage will then be added to your Kidsoft account by Centrelink via your CRN’s that were entered on your Kidsoft enrolment.
For further information regarding the Child Care subsidy, visit https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/child-care-subsidy or contact Centrelink on 136 150.
Complying Written Arrangement (CWA)
All families utilising Pymble OSHC service are required, through your Kidsoft account, to sign a CWA (You must have a ‘Complying Written Arrangement’ with Uniting Early Learning that satisfies the Government requirements). This is a requirement for the Department of Education. The CWA is a legal agreement that Pymble Ladies College OSHC will provide care in return for fees and will outline the start date of the arrangement, fees, and booking details.
What to bring:
- A hat. It is very important to remember a hat so your child can play outside.
- Labelled drink bottle.
- If you do not wish your child to wear the sunscreen provided by the Centre please provide your own.
- A spare set of clothes. We may have some water play and a spare set of clothes can be very useful.
- All children are to bring morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and any snacks/drinks required for the day. We have children attending the Centre who are anaphylactic to nuts so please do not bring nut products. This is very important for their safety.
What to wear:
- For excursion, children wear Pymble Ladies’ College Sports uniform and hat.
- Comfortable clothes that can get messy! Please label all items.
- A sleeved shirt must be worn. Collared or polo is highly recommended. We spend a great deal of time outside and our ‘sunsafe’ policy states your child must be dressed appropriately. Children who wear clothing that is not appropriate for outside play will remain inside under supervision.
- Closed-in shoes. Your child will only be able to participate in activities if they have sensible, closed-in shoes. Thongs, sandals and heels do not allow children to participate safely in all the great activities we provide.
- Jumper or jacket.
- Please label all items.
Authorisations for Sign in and Out of OSHC
Children must be signed in/out of the Centre by an authorised person who has registered in your Kidsoft account. Please email oshcadmin@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au if you would like to add or update an emergency contact.
The authorised person signing in or collecting your child will be required to enter their mobile number and PIN when ‘signing’ your child in (for the Holiday Program) and out of the Centre (all services).
Should you require a person, (emergency situations only) other than those added on your Kidsoft account to collect your child, we require notification by email or SMS. Email oshcadmin@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or SMS 0439 044 279. A photo ID must be provided by the person who is collecting your child. Due to the National Regulation, a phone call will not be accepted as authorisation for the collection of a child.
Late Collection
Children must be collected by 6.00pm. A late collection fee of $20.00 per minute per child is applicable for late pickups.
The Holiday Program will be using the Pymble Learn to Swim pool on programmed days during the holidays for students in Year 2 and above to participate in optional swimming. A qualified lifeguard and Centre educators will supervise the pool. Please refer to the program to see which days we will be swimming.
Please send along their swimmers, a towel, goggles (optional), and a swimming cap. Please ensure all items are labelled. Other activities will be offered for those children who are not swimming.
Please ensure full details of your child’s medical conditions, if applicable, are entered on your Kidsoft account. If your child is known to have an anaphylactic reaction or episode to any allergen then it is imperative that, upon enrolment, parents provide a current (printed copy) action plan that includes a photo of your child. Parents must supply an EpiPen labelled in a small container, if this is part of your action plan. If your child is known to have asthma, then it is imperative that, upon enrolment, parents provide a current asthma plan, which includes a recent photo of your child. Medication must be sent with your child in a clearly labelled container.
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home. If your child is unwell on arrival at the Centre, then you will be asked to take them home. If your child becomes unwell during the course of the day, you will be contacted to arrange an alternative care plan.
Credits for absences will only be issued if a copy of a Medical Certification form a General Practitioner (GP) is received no later than two weeks from the final day of the Holiday Program.
Cancellations can be made up until one week before the commencement of the Holiday Program period. After this, you may request via email to swap to an alternative day should it be available. If you choose not to select an alternative day, this will be counted as an absence, and your account will be charged accordingly. Credits for illness will only be issued if a copy of a Medical Certification from a General Practitioner (GP) is received no later than two weeks from the final day of the Holiday Program.