Vision Valley
Vision Valley is the home to Pymble’s Outdoor Education Programs and Experiential Learning.

Set on more than 75 acres of land surrounded by national parks and close to the majestic Hawkesbury River and its tributaries, Vision Valley is located only 45 minutes’ drive from the main campus in Pymble.
Vision Valley provides an extensive, diverse range of opportunities for experiential learning and wellness activities for our girls.
The site’s beautiful bushland backdrop, which includes a conference centre, sporting field, camping areas, an archery range, a dam for canoeing and raft building, rock climbing and abseiling sites, ropes courses, mountain bike trails and a dual zip-line allows the girls to extend themselves and build their self-efficacy, resilience, courage, leadership and team work under the guidance of our specialist outdoor instructors.
These opportunities help our girls develop a strong set of vital life skills, ones that we are already focusing on across the College programs and are enhanced by invigorating experiential learning.
A vision for experiential outdoor learning
All year groups will have opportunities to experience a range of formative Outdoor Education programs during their time at Pymble.
You can read more about the important role our Outdoor Education campus plays in our vision for girls in this article written by our Director of Research and Development, Dr Sarah Loch, and our Director of Vision Valley, Mr Stuart Clark, published in AHISA’s Independence magazine.
External hire
In addition to utilising Vision Valley for Pymble Ladies’ College outdoor and experiential learning, retreats and community events, Pymble offers the site and its outdoor instructors for hire to schools, community groups and businesses that cater to school-aged children. Services offered include venue hire, accommodation, catering and the facilitation of outdoor and experiential learning activities and programs.
The Vision Valley Team are specialists in outdoor and experiential learning and offer schools quality programs that are designed specifically for the age and stage of the participants. Our programs offer a blend of adventure-based learning activities and leadership and team-building. The Team can also integrate curriculum elements with a particular emphasis on environmental science, geography, art and First Nation Australian cultural studies.
Visit our Vision Valley website for further information on external hire