People of Pymble – Performing Arts

Lux Fritz
Pymble student
Lux Fritz
Pymble student
My journey in Performing Arts has been incredible. From starting out in the Kindergarten choir to my roles in Junior School musicals and ensembles like Chorale, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Stage Band and Symphony Orchestra, I’ve had a wide range of stage experience at Pymble.
As Band Captain and Music Prefect, I led with pride and aimed to create positive change. Competing nationally, I achieved first place in Open C grade and Junior A grade with the Northern Youth Symphonic Wind and fourth place in junior euphonium national solos.
Joining Pymble’s Performing Arts program was the foundation for these experiences and helped shape me into who I am today.

Felicity Sheh
Pymble student
Felicity Sheh
Pymble student
At three years old, I was enrolled in my first dance class. My interest in dancing has only grown since that class, and I have explored several dance forms, including ballet, jazz and contemporary. I have since become fascinated with Pymble’s variety of dance programs, lessons and opportunities after starting at the College in Year 7.
I was lucky enough to dance in both the Jazz and Contemporary Eisteddfod Performance groups in 2021 after enrolling in dance in Year 8. Since then, I have decided to pursue dance as a subject, am completing my Certificate III in Assistant Teaching, competing at Eisteddfods, experienced being an HSC performer and now I’m honoured to be one of the Co-Curricular Dance Captains for 2024.
As I am in my final years in school, Pymble Dance has allowed me to pursue my passion for dance, not only for myself but for numerous other students and dancers. Alongside the help of the Pymble Dance staff helping me with my development, I’ve been grateful to have these amazing opportunities to help me improve as a dancer.
With the new Grey House Precinct coming soon with several new dance studios, I’m hoping this building will continue the legacy of Dance at Pymble Ladies’ College and for the many generations of dancers to come.

Isabel Dean
Isabel Dean
Pymble Alumni
The performing arts have been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have always had a love and curiosity for both dance and music, which has led me to try as much as possible.
During my time at Pymble, I was a part of the school choirs and orchestras, and participated in a wide range of dance groups, such as ballet, hip-hop, Eisteddfod Jazz and Eisteddfod Contemporary.
Dancing, singing and playing violin, viola and piano, and dancing have allowed me to connect with so many different individuals and teams over my life, broadening my worldview and teaching me to lead effectively through my roles as Captain of Orchestras and Captain of Music.
I continue to nurture my love of the performing arts in my tertiary studies, as a member of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra Choirs, and Harvard-Radcliffe Modern Dance Company (HRMDC). I have been able to tour South Korea with the orchestra and push myself to try new things, like choreographing in HRMDC.I plan to continue my passions within the performing arts throughout my life, and I am grateful to Pymble for providing me with such a strong foundation and space to grow.

Zarina Nurlanov
Pymble student
Zarina Nurlanov
Pymble student
I’m orchestra captain for 2024, a music scholar and proud member of six ensembles at Pymble. I play violin and piano and sing classically, and my favourite types of music are classical, jazz and experimental.
The variety of music reminds me of the variety of humankind, and I am always fascinated by it. I believe music is the purest form of expression.
My favourite days at school are those where I make music; whether in class, ensembles or private lessons. And that is every day. The music building is like a second home to me.

Jenny Xu
Pymble student
Jenny Xu
Pymble student
I am currently in Year 10, and I have been a student at Pymble since Kindergarten. Language Arts is the activity I am most passionate about, and I currently take part in debating, public speaking, model UN, mock mediation and mock trial. I have been incredibly fortunate to receive guidance from the talented and caring staff at Pymble who have fostered my interest in Language Arts and supported me throughout every training session and competition over the past few years. Through their support I have been able to attain many achievements, such as becoming the Voice UN national champion, a two-time ISDA grand finalist and Legacy Public Speaking state finalist. Having competed in a variety of events across Sydney, I can confidently say that Pymble has one of the most comprehensive Language Arts programs in New South Wales, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities and programs that the College offers.

Isabel Aveling
Pymble student
Isabel Aveling
Pymble student
Speech and Drama at Pymble has been key to the development of my communication skills and confidence. In the final stage of my study, I completed the AMEB Associate Diploma in Professional Communication, Australia (APCA). The preparation process for the diploma was most enjoyable, allowing me to choose to study areas of personal interest and hone my speaking ability to a higher level. I was fortunate to be runner-up in the Rotary Scholarship for Drama and to be awarded various prizes at the Ryde, Sydney and Paramatta Eisteddfods. Speech and Drama has imbued me with the confidence for self-expression and to realise the power of voice in communication, acting and presentation style that will be highly beneficial in my future study and endeavours.