Experiential Learning
In addition to the Outdoor Education opportunities provided to all students in the curriculum, Pymble students can also elect to extend their learning by participating in Co-curricular Outdoor Education programs including The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and the Australian Army Cadets.
Each of these is designed to offer students challenge, achievement and growth by placing them outside their comfort zones and providing new and exciting experiences.

Activities On Offer
Army Cadets encourages service, leadership, teamwork and outdoor skills. Students learn to be confident, self-sufficient, disciplined and to commit mentally and physically to challenging activities.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a youth development program for 14 to 25 year olds in more than 125 countries around the world. The award offers a framework for all young people in Australia to develop valuable life skills and to make a real contribution to their personal development and their community. The opportunity for young people to try new things or to get recognition for what they are already doing through the program is tremendous.