Research Conversations
July 3, 2024

We’re eagerly looking forward to welcoming Associate Professor Sophie Gee to the Pymble Institute in May 2025.
Sophie is a professor, writer, mentor, educator and public humanities spokesperson currently teaching in the Princeton University English Faculty and at the University of Sydney, where she is the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow.
Joining us at Pymble Ladies’ College for this special event, Sophie will host a Research Conversations afternoon to share insights into her career, the importance of studying the humanities and ways to celebrate the humanities in the public sphere.
Diving into her academic specialisation in English, Sophie will explore contemporary research into the neurological dimensions of reading and we’ll consider what happens when readers engage with characters, plots and settings beyond their lifeworlds. Readers know that the act of reading connects us to empathy and diversity, as well as with histories and geographies we can never experience in our own life times, but how do we convey that to our students and make the most of it ourselves?
This topic is relevant for school students studying English, teachers undertaking postgraduate studies, teachers of all learning areas and parents. Sophie will also take us into the world of the Ivy League academic communities of Harvard and Princeton, where she has studied and worked, which will be of interest to students considering overseas opportunities.
We look forward to sharing the conversation with fellow students and educators. For information, please contact