Junior School
Pymble’s Junior School is a vibrant and caring community for girls in Kindergarten to Year 6, focused upon developing each girl’s strengths in a supportive and caring environment.
Pymble’s Junior School is an exceptionally well-resourced learning precinct that instils in students the attributes of participation and exploration as well as a sense of belonging and mutual respect. Girls benefit from extensive leadership opportunities, a closely linked well-being and academic program, and an outstanding range of co-curricular activities.
The Junior School curriculum has been designed to provide outstanding educational opportunities that will challenge, provoke, stimulate and celebrate learning, helping each girl to reach her potential. Core subjects assist with the development of a firm foundation, with support available for girls requiring additional assistance in literacy and numeracy, and more challenging activities to engage girls seeking extension.

The College has created flexible and innovative learning environments for girls in Years 5 and 6 that will support your daughter to develop skills and enable her to be mentored throughout her learning journey.
Specialist teachers plan and implement programs in Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Languages. Learning is enhanced through the development of critical and creative thinking skills, and through the provision of an excellent range of co-curricular activities in public speaking and debating, environmental awareness, intellectual challenges, sport and the arts
Pymble’s Junior School supports each girl from Kindergarten to Year 6 to participate in our vibrant, caring and respectful community.
Academic Excellence
Every girl can reach her full potential at Pymble, and our Junior School girls receive a thorough grounding in core subjects to establish a firm foundation. We tailor learning so that girls receive additional support according to their needs – whether intensive assistance in literacy and numeracy, or extension activities to challenge the most advanced girls.
With a focus on inquiry, the girls learn about real world issues to drive curiosity, questioning and problem solving skills.
Enhanced curriculum opportunities
We have specialist teachers who run curated programs in Physical Education, Performing Arts including Music, Visual Arts and Languages. In Junior School, we help girls develop critical and creative thinking skills through stimulating and innovative activities , and through broad co-curricular opportunities in robotics, public speaking and debating, coding, cartooning and sports and the arts.

Technology is embedded within the curriculum and integral to everyday learning in our Junior School. Students use iPads in many different subjects, we have interactive white boards in all classrooms, and students engage with a wide range of evolving technologies from web applications to leading-edge software and innovative tools.
Digital literacy is embedded into the timetable and co-taught by our teachers and our College Digital Learning Leaders. Cyber safety is a key aspect of the girls learning and is taught within.
The renowned music program at Pymble includes options to join the classroom music, string or band programs in Year 3 and Year 4, with additional extensive co-curricular music options such as choirs, orchestras and bands.
Pymble offers girls an outstanding range of co-curricular activities including more than 20 different team and individual sports, performing arts including music and drama, a diverse range of dance styles, public speaking and debating, coding, robotics, sustainability activities and the arts.
Pymble’s Junior School Mind-Body-Spirit program helps us guide each girl to achieve her individual potential and develop self-worth. Through our House structure and House Spirit, Social Development and Leadership programs, girls cultivate such values as collaboration, commitment, self-discipline and compassion.
Our Outdoor Education program involves life-changing rites of passage embedded in personal growth, helping girls connect with their peers, build life skills and develop independence and initiative – at our natural wonderland campus, Vision Valley.
Pymble’s Junior School Student Leadership program encourages girls in each class to take up leadership roles, from Sustainability, Kindness, Performing Arts and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Captains, to Class Captains and Student Representative Council members. Year 6 whole-school leadership responsibilities include Sports, House, Kindness, Library, SRC and Sustainability.
Pymble’s Junior School offers girls a range of innovative learning spaces, with bright colours and soft furnishings, including a unique open learning environment for our Year 5 and Year 6 students with flexible work areas to cater for small and large group activities and quiet areas to allow individual study.
With its own exclusive library, playground and hall, our Junior School sits amid the sweeping heritage grounds of the Pymble campus, and girls also enjoy special access to our wonderful Vision Valley outdoor education campus at Arcadia.

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Junior School girls can access our Out of School Hours Care, available to students from Kindergarten to Year 6, with trained educators to supervise homework, music rooms available for practice, and nutritious breakfasts and afternoon teas provided daily.
100 Days of junior school
To celebrate 100 days of Junior School in 2024, Middle School student, Jessamy, reflected on her experiences as a Junior School student at Pymble.