Instagram Pymble News Video Publications Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pedal Your Own Smoothie is a highlight of the Juni This term during lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursda For their History unit, Year 3 met with Pymble's A The Pymble private buses provide our students with The Pymble Foundation Gala Ball raises money for o Pymble visited Scone! The Pymble community is wi This year, an intrepid group of pioneers in Year 6 Our Year 8 students enjoyed bringing history to li Congratulations to all our students who competed i A well-deserved congratulations to Clare Lyons (K- Our Kindergarten girls had a fantastic adventure o Our Athletics team have been busy with not one, bu We have a lot of love for our Boarding 'Love It' p The Pymble Foundation Gala Ball Silent Auction is Yesterday, girls in Year 9 and 10 attended a prese Earlier this month, Pymble had 19 Junior School st Year 10 Visual Arts students stepped outside the c Year 6 students and staff were immersed in their O On Friday, our Swimming and Diving teams attended Year 10 French enjoyed being immersed in French cu Load More Follow on Instagram