Boarding at Pymble – A home away from home.
Creating a sense of family is at the heart of our Boarding community at Pymble. The Pymble Boarding community is supported by the ‘Live It, Love It, Learn It, Lead It’ programs.
‘Live It’ aims to teach our girls life skills including cooking basic meals, doing their laundry and changing a tyre.
‘Love It’ provides a range of opportunities for our Boarders to create connections with their housemates and the local community and keeps our girls engaged with fun opportunities that enrich their Boarding experience.
‘Learn It’, our Evening Study Program, is designed to enhance achievement of academic potential, life balance and personal fulfilment.
Finally, ‘Lead It’ provides a variety of opportunities for Boarders to develop and demonstrate leadership capacity. One of these is the ‘Big Sister’ program; designed to support younger girls in their transition to Boarding.

Pymble’s residential accommodation for students is where tradition meets the future of learning.
This holistic approach means our girls feel loved, supported, engaged and can achieve their best with their Pymble family.
Our comprehensive academic, co-curricular and mind-body-spirit programs extends to our Boarding program, where every girl is supported through her intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual growth.
Personalised support
Girls who board at Pymble join a proud history extending back over more than a century. Today, their home-away-from-home is a comfortable, welcoming and nurturing environment filled with opportunity and support. Our trained leaders work with each Boarder to develop a personal academic and co-curricular program that responds to her needs.
Warm community
Our Boarders join our warm and welcoming family. New Boarders are mentored by a House Buddy who shows them the ropes, and over time they often decide to become a mentor to the next generation of new students. Boarders take part in decisions about their House, in student-led activities and have responsibilities to meet, such as keeping their room tidy and managing personal laundry. They are also invited to join in various volunteering opportunities.
Boarding houses
Pymble’s Boarding Precinct comprises four beautiful historic houses with modern facilities designed to provide a safe and comfortable home for over 147 girls from Years 7 to 12. Avonmoore House is for girls in Year 7. Marden and Goodlet Houses are for girls in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11, while our Year 12 students reside in Lang House. Boarders live on the picturesque College estate and have special access to facilities including our Aquatic and Fitness Centre, Tennis Courts, Library and sweeping grounds.

Special programs
Boarders have easy access to co-curricular activities that include playing and training for sport, performance of music, drama and dance. Through Pymble’s ‘Live It, Love It, Learn It and Lead It’’ program our Boarders learn basic life skills such as cooking, experience fun excursions across Sydney and, access our tailored Evening Study Program, all the while developing their capacity as influential young women.
Developing independence
Independence is a key feature of boarding life, and Boarding staff work with our girls to help them develop independent living skills, resilience and responsibility that will establish a solid grounding for their lives beyond Pymble.
Boarders participate in a range of leadership and mentoring programs which include self-determination and representation in decisions about their Boarding environment and resources. These range from our Big Sister Program, to Spirit House Captains, to our Boarders’ Representative Council and Boarding Prefects.

Angus Cup, Boarders’ Sports Cup And Boarders’ House Cup For Excellence In Physical Activity
These important inter-house competitions see our Boarders compete in a range of fun activities to win points for their Houses. The Cups are awarded on the eve of Speech Day.
Family welcome
New Boarders have the opportunity to attend a number of orientation activities. A sleepover is arranged for our new Boarders in the term prior to entry and there is an orientation weekend at the start of the year for the entire family. Parents have the opportunity to join the Boarding Parent Group who provide valuable support and feedback to our Boarding community.
Health and medical
Our Boarding students can access Pymble’s on-site Health Care Centre (HCC) which includes permanent nursing staff and regular visits from a General Practitioner and physiotherapists. Boarding staff have first-aid training and will arrange dental and medical appointments for girls where needed.
A Day in the Life Boarding at Pymble
Meet Daysie, Dimity and Olivia, three of our Year 7 Boarders who shared some insights into their transition to Pymble and daily life as Boarders.
Avonmoore: The Home of Our Youngest Boarders
This year, our Year 7 Boarding students were able to begin their boarding journey in a more tight-knit environment with the introduction of their new boarding house, Avonmoore. Transitioning to Boarding is a big change for our girls, and Avonmoore has helped provide a more gentle introduction and fostered strong bonds between the Year 7 Boarders while maintaining close ties with the rest the Boarding community. We were delighted to welcome members of our community, including many of our beloved Boarding parents, on campus to celebrate the official opening of Avonmoore!
Boarding House walkthrough
Hannah, Sophie and Phoebe will take you on a tour of their Pymble home and share with you why they’re proud to be Pymble Boarders.