Parents, You’ve Got This! Understanding Your Daughter’s Needs During Online Learning
From our Head of Preparatory School, Mrs Karen Ahearn
Each week we celebrate the engagement and achievements of our girls as they demonstrate the College Values of Care, Courage, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility. Yet what we sometimes forget to identify is the communities standing behind these girls, supporting them to be their best self in a time of challenge, uncertainty and complexity. For each adult, whether that be a parent, family carer or teacher, spending time with the girls provides them with the support to be the best they can be.
Know that there will still be great days and not so great days. Days when excitement is high and days when it is a struggle to get a child to perform normal routines. Moments when she is just tired and needs to take a break from the screen, activity or routine.
As parents, our children present us with surprise, joy and challenge and occasionally, a mixture of all three. In these moments, know that you are doing just what your daughter needs. Being there for her to share herself and her feelings. Appreciate the times when your daughter expresses her emotions in unexpected ways. She is sharing her feelings in a trusted and secure relationship.
I like to write down my thoughts and wonderings as I reflect on the day. Below, I have shared some comments made by the girls during online learning as well as what I learned through these small moments of sharing.
“I am having trouble getting onto the chat.” – Reaching out for assistance from peers and teacher and having the capability and courage to do so.
“I’m just feeding my dog as this is my job each morning. I will turn my camera on in a second for morning check in.” – I have daily routines that are my responsibility for the care of others, but I understand my responsibility as a learner.
“I’m feeling tired today, but I will try to do it later.” – Capacity to understand that she is not presenting as her best self today but is still committed to meeting responsibilities.
“The Seesaw activity was really hard for me, but I tried my best.” – Being courageous in her learning but also able to identify that effort is needed.
“I’m sorry I messaged you during the lesson. I will wait until after to talk with you.” – Needing to connect with others socially but respecting that the learning of others is important and considering alternatives.
The girls are developing in many ways through current experiences. By shining a light on their growth through our College Values, we are presented with the opportunity to celebrate as a Pymble community.
Take care and know that we are journeying together with the knowledge that your daughters are achieving great things!