Our Kindergarten Girls are Learning how to be Scientists!
One of the key skills of thinking scientifically is to observe change. On 7 August, our wonderful Kindergarten families took delivery of mung bean seeds, cotton wool and a plastic cup. By following the procedure, the girls prepared the mung beans and planted them and made sure they had enough water and sunlight to grow. Then it was time to observe. We noted how the seeds germinated and began to grow roots which absorbed the water from the cotton wool. It was very exciting when we saw the first sprouts and we were amazed as our mung bean plants grew taller.
In our classes, we discussed the changes we had observed and connected this learning with our growing knowledge of what all plants need to survive.
We are learning that scientific observation is not just watching, but looking closely and thinking about what we are seeing; asking ourselves, what are some possible reasons why these changes are occurring? We are so happy that Kindergarten has had this hands-on scientific experience while learning online!
Our next step: using our developing procedural writing skills to compose mung bean recipes!