Eco Warriors Inspire our Junior School Girls
Throughout Term 2, a group of girls from Years 5 and 6 who are passionate about caring for our environment have worked with Mrs Lara Bird, Acting Deputy Head of Junior School Curriculum, at lunchtimes to compete in a competition run by Reef Guardian School Team, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
The girls have created messages and drawings around the school to educate others on how rubbish can end up in the ocean, researched the life cycle of a marine turtle, the threats they face from humans or predators, and actions that can be taken to protect them at different life stages and created a comic strip saving the marine turtles in their various stages of life. They have also performed role plays to stop the use of popper juice containers to bring awareness of the problem that these containers cause to marine eco-systems.
Even though the competition has come to an end, the girls are so passionate about the environment they would like to continue to build awareness on the importance of caring for our environment and the eco-systems within and will continue as an ‘Eco Warriors’ club.
This group of ‘Eco Warriors’; Heidi (Year 5), Estelle (Year 5), Cabrini (Year 5), Celine (Year 5), Cindy (Year 6), Charlotte (Year 6) and Scarlett (Year 6) inspired the rest of our Junior School to take positive steps towards a more sustainable future. In the lead up to World Environment Day on Saturday 5 June, these Eco Warriors created a video in which they explained their ‘call to action’ to their Junior School peers. They also inspired many of our teachers to share their own sustainability tips and action.
In support of our Eco Warriors, some of the actions taken by our Junior School classes included:
- Year 6 students chose to go offline and read a real book for pleasure.
- Students picked up rubbish in the playground and made sure the lunch order bags were being recycled.
- In class we used less lights and air conditioning, as well as less screens! Students enjoyed a little more reading time and enjoyed drinking water from our reusable water bottle too!
“I have enjoyed spreading kindness to the environment and taking action.” – Estelle
“I enjoyed the different challenges especially doing the cartoon because I liked how we went through the different stages of the marine turtle and highlighting the importance of looking after its environment.” – Celine
“I liked how we actually alerted people to the importance of the environment and how precious it is.” – Cindy