Ballet Without Borders
Bravo to all the students and staff involved in the Eisteddfod Dance Intensive and the absolutely fabulous concert of Ballet Without Borders last weekend. They all worked so hard to achieve the amazing performance standard on Sunday evening and the audience was quite blown away by the beauty and grace of the dancers from the Australian Ballet as well.
Over the weekend, 140 Eisteddfod dancers participated in their annual Eisteddfod Intensive Weekend where they had dedicated time with their teachers adding to their routines, a workshop with our Dance Physiotherapist Sonja Schulze and a ‘How to Take Class’ Session led by our Dance Captains and Year 11 Dancers.
The weekend provided a platform for our team to build group spirit and get their routines ready for the eisteddfod season.

Secondary students then concluded their weekend by performing at the Ballet Without Borders event showcasing the incredibly creative choreography they have produced for their groups this year.
The show was a brilliant display of not only the dance talent at Pymble, but also of the dedication and passion our community has for supporting a good cause. The presence and performance of the four Australian Ballet Artists, Amber Scott, Adam Bull, Valerie Tereshenko and Brodie James, was a special experience for both our dance students and the audience.
It was very exciting to announce that from the ticket sales we were able to raise $14,000 for Ballet Without Borders and a further $1,950 was raised from the online auction.
A huge congratulations to Miss Katrina Cluff, Head of Dance, for her vision and leadership of her amazing and dedicated team to achieve such success.